About Us “Destination Thailand News”


In an industry where breaking news, product updates and other industry alerts are fast impacting the way we do business, it is important for today’s travel professional to easily access the most comprehensive and accurate tourism news source, delivered in a quick and digestible format.

Welcome to Destination Thailand News, a free news service, which allows travel sellers to have the Thailand’s tourism news at their fingertips. Destination Thailand News is fast becoming one of the most respected tourism news services – now with nearly 87,000 online subscribers – it is equally influencing and strengthening destination and product awareness in all aspects of the industry’s core business sectors.

Our team’s mission is to keep readers informed of the changing dynamics within the travel tourism industry on a daily basis. And quality news is what drives readers to an online news service.

Additionally, it is the elements of the website that provides travel sellers with an efficient business tool.

Accordingly, Destination Thailand News has invested heavily in a highly-developed infrastructure that expertly combines the latest technology and comprehensive industry network, backed by a team of highly-skilled travel industry journalists who provide the reader with the latest and most well-informed tourism coverage in geographically based editions which are relevant to the subscriber’s markets.

Destination Thailand News has been designed as an integral cost and time efficient business tool for all travel professionals and to provide all consumers with up to date travel information  of the Kingdom of Thailand.


Destination Thailand News is delivered weekly, with breaking news backed by product and destination reports. Destination Thailand News also provides advertisers with a quick turnaround for delivering their corporate message or price-driven product.

Destination Thailand News has designed a clean yet colourful layout, which includes breaking stories and key advertisements. Each advertisement is positioned on Destination Thailand News website on the homepage and/or category pages which are easily accessed by clicking straight on to the link.

Destination Thailand News provides display advertisement tabs on every webpage.