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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bangkok’s Top 25 Restaurants 2024: A Culinary Revelation

TOP25 Restaurants Bangkok Awards 2024 - LogoThe prestigious TOP25 Restaurants 2024 list was unveiled at the Park Hyatt Bangkok, celebrating the vibrant city’s finest dining establishments in a night of culinary splendour. This year’s ranking marks a significant milestone as TOP25Restaurants.com, the pioneering AI-driven platform, introduces special awards, underscoring its commitment to innovation and excellence in the culinary world.

Crowning Culinary Champions

Leading the list is POTONG, a Thai-Chinese refined dining haven helmed by the talented Chef Pichaya “Pam” Soontornyanakij. Known for its exquisite fusion of flavours, POTONG has set a new benchmark in Bangkok’s dining scene. Following closely in second place is Côte by Mauro Colagreco at Capella Bangkok, where Chef Davide Garavaglia crafts unforgettable Mediterranean-inspired dishes. In third place is Baan Tepa, a newly awarded two-star Michelin restaurant that has captivated gourmands with its contemporary Thai cuisine. Sorn, an internationally acclaimed restaurant led by Chef Ice, ranks fourth, offering unparalleled Southern Thai culinary experiences.

New Entrants Making Waves

TOP25 Restaurants Bangkok Awards 2024 - Park Hyatt Bangkok.
TOP25 Restaurants Bangkok Awards 2024 – Park Hyatt Bangkok.

This year’s list features seven new entrants, highlighting Bangkok’s dynamic and evolving culinary landscape. Embassy Room introduces Bangkok to the first Catalan Culinary Experience, while Chai Jia Chai elevates modern Cantonese omakase dining. ÎNT Restaurant surprises guests with a progressive Thai 13-course tasting menu, exemplifying the city’s diverse gastronomic offerings.

Visionary Leadership and AI Innovation

Founded by Bernard Metzger, TOP25 Restaurants has revolutionized how exceptional dining experiences are discovered and celebrated. “In 2018, when we launched TOP25 Restaurants Bangkok as the world’s first AI-powered restaurant guide, our aim was to transform how we discover and celebrate exceptional dining experiences,” Metzger stated. “There was no Chat GPT, and few people had even heard of AI; our goal was to publish a guide that is more dynamic, comprehensive, and objective than any other.”

A Night to Remember

The TOP25 Restaurants Bangkok Awards 2024 event, held on June 10, 2024, at the luxurious Park Hyatt Bangkok, was a night of elegance and recognition. Each of the top 25 restaurants received a distinguished award certificate, personally presented by Mr Chattan Kunjara Na Ayudhya, Deputy Governor for International Marketing (Asia and South Pacific) at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), and Mr Noor Ahmad Hamid, CEO of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). This honour highlighted the significance of their achievements in the culinary arts.

Special Awards for Excellence

For the first time, the Travelindex Group introduced the TOP25 Restaurants Special Awards, which celebrated the top 25 winners and recognized excellence in culinary heritage, groundbreaking innovation, and emerging talent.

  • The Restaurant Industry Innovation Award was bestowed upon PerfectCheck for its pioneering contributions.
  • Chef Goji Kobayashi, Chef-Owner at Sushi Kuuya, received the Young Rising Star Chef Award for his exceptional talent and promise.
  • North Restaurant was awarded the Culinary Heritage Excellence Award, recognising its dedication to preserving and innovating culinary traditions.

Celebrating Culinary Passion

The TOP25 Restaurants Bangkok 2024 announcement is a testament to Bangkok’s culinary community’s unwavering dedication. Their passion, creativity, and commitment to excellence inspire and delight diners worldwide. As we celebrate these remarkable achievements, we look forward to another year of extraordinary culinary experiences that push the boundaries of gastronomy.

Visit TOP25 Restaurants Bangkok 2024 for a complete list of the top 25 restaurants and to explore their unique offerings.

Congratulations to all the winners and particular award recipients for their outstanding contributions to Bangkok’s vibrant dining scene. Your dedication to gastronomy is commendable and continues to elevate Bangkok as a global culinary destination.




Written by: Kanda Limw







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