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Saturday, June 29, 2024

FLX Select: Transforming Airline Distribution with Speed and Efficiency

Accelya Launches FLX Select for Fast, Standardized NDC Implementation.In a groundbreaking move set to redefine airline distribution, Accelya, a leading provider of airline software solutions, has unveiled FLX Select. This innovative New Distribution Capability (NDC) service promises swift and standardized deployment, enabling airlines to generate offers and create orders via NDC within a remarkable 90-day timeframe. Major travel sellers and aggregators, including Travelfusion and Navan, have already committed to FLX Select, promising airlines immediate access to a vast network of travel suppliers.

Revolutionizing Airline Distribution

FLX Select aims to deliver rapid returns on investment for airlines by driving incremental ancillary revenue and optimizing distribution cost efficiencies. Leveraging Accelya’s extensive expertise in NDC development, FLX Select consolidates core components into a streamlined program. This includes API partner and travel seller onboarding, Accelya’s industry-leading sales portal, merchandising capabilities, and servicing features.

The service enables airlines to swiftly eliminate legacy distribution and retailing constraints, enhancing customer experience and unlocking new revenue streams. By partnering with top-performing aggregators and travel sellers, including industry pioneers Travelfusion and Navan, Accelya ensures FLX Select airlines can immediately begin driving NDC bookings.

Industry Leadership and Market Impact

The launch of FLX Select coincides with a significant milestone for Accelya. Leading airline analyst T2RL recently reported that Accelya has solidified its position as the market leader in NDC, now powering 57% of all 2023 NDC sales. Accelya’s FLX platform currently generates an astounding 31 billion offers daily, reflecting the company’s commitment to modern retailing and NDC excellence.

Accelya’s CEO, Sam Gilliland, expressed enthusiasm about the new service, stating, “Accelya’s customers are taking control of their retailing, improving distribution costs, and setting themselves up for Offer & Order transformation through our FLX Platform. We are delighted to bring the benefits of Modern Retailing to the wider industry by standardizing and simplifying NDC implementation through FLX Select.”

Partner Perspectives

The industry’s response to FLX Select has been overwhelmingly positive. Ian Fette, VP of Engineering at Navan, highlighted the service’s potential to accelerate NDC adoption. “We are excited to partner with Accelya on FLX Select. Navan believes in NDC’s promise to benefit airlines and passengers through modern retailing and servicing channels. Having a simplified and standardized NDC deployment will speed up both time-to-market and the Navan Group’s capacity to integrate with more airlines,” Fette remarked.

Eytan Bicaci Baruh, Vice President of Commercial of Travelfusion, also shared his enthusiasm. “Accelya is the clear leader in NDC, and we are delighted to partner with them on FLX Select, which will decomplexify NDC for more airlines, allowing them to control their distribution. Many airlines will benefit from this initiative, and we look forward to onboarding them through our valued partnership with Accelya.”


FLX Select represents a significant advancement in the airline industry’s transition to modern retailing. Accelya is empowering airlines to enhance customer experience, increase revenue, and achieve distribution efficiency by providing a fast, standardised approach to NDC implementation. With strong support from industry leaders and an unwavering commitment to innovation, FLX Select is poised to become a game-changer in airline distribution.




Written by: Supaporn Pholrach







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