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Friday, June 28, 2024

New Vietnam Resort Revolutionizes Wellness Travel

Wafaifo Resort Hoi An.Wafaifo Resort Hoi An, set to open on September 1, is poised to transform the wellness travel sector with cutting-edge, technology-driven health and spa services. Situated in the historic city of Hoi An, this new luxury resort promises a unique blend of advanced health diagnostics and rejuvenating treatments, making it a premier destination for wellness enthusiasts.

Comprehensive Wellness Offerings

The Wafaifo Resort Hoi An will debut with an ambitious three-phase health and spa rollout, significantly enhancing central Vietnam’s wellness and medical tourism landscape. Guests will have access to innovative treatments and state-of-the-art facilities unrivalled in the region.

Epigenetic Testing: Personalized Health Insights

From the outset, the resort’s Wellness at Wafaifo facility will offer guests detailed health diagnostic reports through epigenetic testing. This cutting-edge process involves analyzing hair follicles with an S-drive computer connected to a German laboratory. Within minutes, guests receive a comprehensive 30-plus page report assessing 800 personal health markers, presented in an easy-to-understand graphical format.

“The reports are a quick and effective way to obtain an overview of underlying health issues,” explained Thanh Nguyen, Director of Spa and Wellness at Wafaifo. “They will suggest a plan of action to address challenges impacting the health of our guests.”

Hyperbaric Chambers: Enhancing Healing

In addition to epigenetic testing, Wafaifo’s wellness centre will feature AirPod hyperbaric chambers. These chambers use heightened levels of oxygen and hydrogen to enhance every healing process in the body, aiding in anti-aging, boosting concentration, increasing energy and stamina, and alleviating jet lag and stress.

Infrared Saunas and Ice Baths: Detox and Recovery

The resort will also offer infrared saunas to help lower blood pressure, detoxify the body, and support weight loss. Hygienic, electronically controlled ice baths will be available to reduce blood pressure, improve circulation, flush out toxins, and reduce inflammation and swelling.

Advanced Sleep Technology

Guests can experience the Nu Calm sleep and restoration technology in the comfort of their rooms. Utilizing a headset, eye mask, and a specially designed ‘anti-gravity’ chair, this system induces a meditative state of well-being and deep relaxation, ensuring restful sleep and recovery.

State-of-the-Art Fitness Center

Wellness at Wafaifo will boast the most advanced gym in Hoi An, equipped with Precor gym equipment. Personal fitness consultants will provide tailored guidance to help guests maximize their workout benefits.

Strategic International Partnerships

Wafaifo Resort has formed strategic partnerships to elevate its wellness offerings. Collaborations with Kerstin Florian will bring world-class body treatments and facials, while Margaret Dabbs of London will offer luxury manicures and pedicures.

“Our wellness offering at Wafaifo Resort derives from the latest smart technology that augments the eternal importance of sleep, nutrition, exercise, health, and mental wellbeing,” said Pieter van der Hoeven, Managing Director of Wafaifo. “We are assembling a team of doctors, nurses, healers, and trainers to create personalized wellness programs for each guest.”

Looking Ahead: Future Phases

Wafaifo Resort plans to announce Phase II of its transformative, technology-led health and wellness services in August, with Phase III scheduled for early 2025. These future phases promise to further enhance the resort’s already impressive offerings.

For more information about Wafaifo Resort Hoi An and its comprehensive wellness services, visit Wafaifo.com.




Written by: Kanda Limw







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