30.6 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024

3 reasons why granola should be your favorite snack during WFH by Nature’s Sensation

During the third wave of Covid-19 outbreak, employees are required to work from home to reduce their risk of Covid-19 infection. Many office workers seem to settle into working from home routines since this is not the first time that work-from-home policy is implemented. No doubt they spend most of their time enjoying unhealthy snacks at their desk. Little did they know that such eating habit is as terrifying as the infectious disease. According to a recent study in 2020, during working from home, office workers tend to eat more unhealthy food that provides them 1,300 calories, but nutrients. Moreover, the food is high in sodium and a large amount of sugar which is not good for health.

the essential factors contributing to good health involve not only maintaining proper hygiene practices against Covid-19, but also healthy eating that all office workers with sedentary lifestyles at home should not overlook. Therefore, Nature’s Sensation, a wide variety of fine dried fruits and natural juice brand by Heritage Group, would like to share 3 reasons why granola is going to be office workers’ favorite snack during work from home period.

  1. Delicious, but healthy

If you are getting tired of cookies or candy on your working desk, try replacing them with a bowl of granola. This delicious healthy snack is not only filling but also contains several nutrients such as protein and fiber. While the former is known to help control appetite, the latter possesses the ability to help promote regular bowel movement.

  1. Ideal for cooking

Those who like to cook will surely fall in love with granola as it is a good idea for every meal and a perfect ingredient for several menus. To give some good advice for breakfast menu, fold a small amount of granola into each cup of muffin batter before baking in order to add crunchy texture to the muffin. Besides, sprinkle a handful of granola on top of the salad is also recommended.

  1. Perfect to eat less sugar

Some office workers may not be used to a home environment because of the hot weather. An easy solution to this problem is drinking some cold drinks to feel fresh and stay energized, but instead of using sugar to sweeten the drink, just top the drink with some granola to add both sweet flavor and nutritional values.

As seen, nutritious snack offers more than deliciousness and benefits for health, and if you are looking for premium granola, Sensation Granola by Nature’s Sensation is a perfect choice to try. Made from selected whole grains and premium dried fruits, Sensation Granola is now available leading supermarkets and department stores nationwide. Visit the online channels at Shopee, Lazada, JD Central, and Line ID: @Heritagethailand. For more information, please call 0-2813-0954-5 or follow the activities of Nature’s Sensation at www.heritagethailand.com, www.facebook.com/naturessensationofficial, and IG: naturessensation.

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