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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Asia Pacific Tourism to Hit New Highs, Post-COVID!

PATAIn a groundbreaking announcement, the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) has unveiled its latest Executive Summary, revealing a bright future for the Asia Pacific travel industry. With an eye on the horizon, PATA predicts a robust rebound in international visitor arrivals (IVAs) from 2024, continuing its upward trajectory to 2026. This resurgence is not just a return to form but a leap into unprecedented growth, signalling a golden era for tourism in the region.

The report outlines a detailed forecast, projecting that IVAs will recover and surpass pre-pandemic levels as early as 2024 under favourable conditions. Even under a medium-growth scenario, this milestone is expected to be achieved by 2025. However, caution is sounded when mentioning a severe scenario, where growth could lag by 13 percentage points below 2019’s benchmark by 2026. This serves as a reminder of the volatile nature of global travel dynamics. Yet, the underlying message is clear: the Asia Pacific’s visitor economy is a beacon of resilience and a cornerstone for national economic revival.

PATA CEO Noor Ahmad Hamid reflected on the findings with optimism, stating, “The swift recovery and promising growth of international arrivals are a testament to the relentless efforts of destinations across the Asia Pacific in attracting global travelers.” He highlighted the significance of collaborative initiatives, such as agreements on destination visa requirements, in fueling this growth. However, Hamid was quick to temper excitement with prudence, acknowledging the varied pace of recovery across different locales and the imperative to stay adaptive amid industry shifts.

The forecast shows vibrant diversity, with IVAs into and across Asia leading the charge. The region is poised to witness a staggering growth rate of 34% in 2024 under the mildest projections, with a gradual normalization of growth expected by 2026. This contrasts with the more tempered yet significant growth anticipated in the Americas and the Pacific, underscoring Asia’s dominant role in the global travel landscape.

Crucially, Asia is not just a destination but also a key source of travellers, expected to contribute over 58% of all IVAs to the Asia Pacific in 2024, underlining the region’s dual role as both host and visitor. By the end of 2026, Asia’s share of international arrivals is forecasted to exceed 61%, cementing its position at the heart of global tourism.

Despite these promising forecasts, challenges loom large, with staffing shortages and the need for service excellence highlighted as potential hurdles. Hamid’s words serve as a clarion call to avoid complacency and embrace diligence, ensuring the Asia Pacific remains at the forefront of the world’s travel destinations.

PATA’s commitment to providing its members with unparalleled insights into future market trends further bolstered this optimistic outlook. An exclusive webinar titled “The Scientific Crystal Ball: Forecasting the Future Tourism Market” is set to take place, featuring luminaries from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Euromonitor International, Mastercard, and Amadeus. This event promises to shed light on the intricate dynamics shaping the future of travel and tourism in the Asia Pacific.

The global travel community watches with bated breath as the Asia Pacific stands on the cusp of a tourism renaissance. The region’s journey towards recovery and beyond is not just a story of numbers but a testament to the power of unity, innovation, and resilience in facing the tides of change.




Written by: Supaporn Pholrach







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