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British Council unveils four winners of Study UK Alumni Awards 2023

The Study UK Alumni Awards is another acknowledgment that honors the outstanding achievements of international alumni of UK universities in various fields that create value and contribute to society.

The British Council Thailand has once again partnered with the British Embassy in Thailand to honour exceptional alumni with the Study UK Alumni Awards 2023. Given for the ninth year in a row,the Awards recognised the achievements of alumni of UK universities in four different categories: Science and Sustainability, Culture and Creativity, Social Action, and Business and Innovation.

This is intended to connect UK graduates from a variety of professions in order to share inspiration and fresh ideas with individuals who desire to study abroad, especially in the UK.

Today, the British Council will be introducing four outstanding UK alumni of 2023 from the four disciplines to talk about their experiences studying in the UK and the rewards gained from transferring knowledge and skills back home. Moreover, they explain how those acquisitions have enabled them to become a positive force for change in society and their country.

Gaining opportunities can foster confidence, leading to success.

Nay Kiratibutra, Senior Marketing Specialist at FedEx Express International (Thailand) Ltd., who has been acclaimed with the Study UK Alumni Awards 2023 in the Science and Sustainability category, said: “The UK university teaching and learning approach encourages students to realize their potential by providing them with various opportunities. Working in collaboration with peers from different backgrounds enables us to gain an appreciation for cultural diversity. By focusing on
real-world practice and problem-solving, this learning approach helps cultivate self-confidence and encourages creative thinking, as well as motivating us to share our ideas and take action to benefit our team or society. This capability allows us to be prepared for any fluctuating condition. It has played an integral role in my work and motivated me to finish my project, which has become a benchmark for various nations to adopt. This is likely why I am receiving the Awards this year.”

“Being a UK alumnus provides an opportunity to get to know people in various professions and exchange stories and ideas as we strive to make society greater. With this, the bond of shared connection spreads far and wide, with alumni active in nearly every field. We can be certain there will be fellow graduates thriving in their respective fields and ready to help open some doors.”

It’s all about connecting people with music and developing empathy and sympathy for our fellow human beings.

Prof. Dr Anothai Nitibhon, the Vice President of the Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music who was honoured with the Culture and Creativity Award, noted that living in the UK does not require one to be a very adaptive person as it is a society built around mutual respect.

“My university years in the UK gave me the courage to express my abilities and views openly.Even now, I have the confidence to communicate with people from foreign countries. Studying there also provided me with a wealth of knowledge and self-impression which I have since been using as a role model to teach my pupils. The classroom provides an environment in which students can gain knowledge and share different perspectives. The learning process extends beyond the walls of the university, as real-life experiences are also taken into consideration. Instructors in the UK not only impart knowledge but also help individuals identify their special skills. They focus on helping create a unique identity and share sound advice to help each student pursue the desired path.This can help make goals more visible. These are just some of the strengths of studying in the UK.”

“The most essential thing that the United Kingdom teaches, and what I utilize in my work, is the concept of ’empathy,’ or understanding of one’s fellow human beings, as well as the use of music to aid in the process of communication between people. This has always been my working mentality. That is why we are committed to instilling in people a “compassionate, empathic” mindset, educating everyone that music is a tool for storytelling. It’s about producing inspiration and increasing awareness that classical music should not be limited to a specific group of listeners.” 

A network of alumni serves as a great platform to enable collective collaboration for the good of society.

Jirayut Srupsrisopa, the founder and CEO of Bitkub Capital Group Holdings Ltd. – who was awarded in the Business and Innovation section – highlighted the academic excellence and high standards of education in the UK, as well as its emphasis on self-learning and systematic critical thinking.

“There are various resources available to assist students to adjust and achieve their academic goals. We can create a network of like-minded people who are devoted to making a positive influence on society, regardless of profession or industry. With broader viewpoints and roles, we can collaborate to carry out everyone’s intentions more efficiently. It encourages us to be more innovative and socially responsible in driving our organisation, which is centered on passing on values and providing advantages for society and the country as a whole.”

“The UK alumni network is a powerful asset for promoting work and encouraging professional development. It provides both individuals and businesses with various opportunities for relationship-building, participation, and growth through training programs and workshops. This curriculum equipped us with the necessary skills to propel our careers forward. Coming here to collect experience, in addition to the chance to launch a business, gives us knowledge that can enhance credibility. Moreover, it offers a platform for alumni of our network to share experiences with each other.” 

Openness and freedom of learning lead to educational success.

Dr. Amalee Rae McCoyDr, Project Lead, Scaling Up Parenting for Lifelong Health in Thailand, Peace Culture Foundation – who won the awards in the Social Action categories, said: “The environment in the UK classroom encourages openness to different backgrounds and opinions. It values the capacity and liberty of students to pursue their own educational journey and research objectives.UK university students are expected to take an active role in pursuing opportunities and developing their skills, but they are not alone; advisors are always on hand to give advice and offer support,such as providing tailored study materials and resources for each student’s specific needs.This allows learners to be confident and express themselves fully. It emphasizes encouraging students to have research ethics, much as it does in my field of study. I am thrilled to be able to incorporate these ideas into my present research projects in hopes of having a positive, constructive influence on society.”

Information about the British Council’s year-long initiatives can be found at www.britishcouncil.or.th or the Facebook fanpage for British Council Thailand.

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