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Saturday, July 27, 2024

GWM Releases 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report: Build Low-carbon Auto Industrial Chain and Promote Carbon Emission Reduction throughout the Whole Process

Great Wall Motor (GWM) released its 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report. In 2021, GWM continued to uphold the concept of sustainable development with focus on green, innovative and sustainable development, and step up the upgrading of new energy and intelligent technologies.

Meanwhile, GWM actively undertake social responsibility in environmental protection, social welfare, employee training and other aspects, pursuing more corporate social value, and accelerating the transformation to a global intelligent technology company.

Committed to Green, Healthy and Sustainable Development in the Pursuit of “Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals”

In 2021, GWM continued to increase the R&D investment of green and clean energy, so as to build a low-carbon auto industrial chain connecting the whole world, and a circulating low-carbon ecological chain based on the whole life cycle of vehicle R&D, supporting supply chain, vehicle production, logistics transportation, sales use, scrapping and recycling, thus facilitating carbon emission reduction throughout the whole process.

GWM L.E.M.O.N DHT Hybrid

For emission reduction during vehicle production, GWM carries out strict control over the emission of various pollutants. Through systematic management, upgrading and reconstruction of various environmental protection facilities, such as sewage treatment stations and waste gas treatment facilities and emission reduction technologies, GWM ensures that the emission reduction target is achieved while complying with the emission limitation, and the compliance treatment rate of hazardous waste is 100%. Taking Hebei Production Base as an example, COD internally-controlled emission target: below 300 mg/L (60% of limit 500 mg/L); Ammonia nitrogen internally-controlled emission target: below 40.5 mg/L (90% of limit 45 mg/L); Internally-controlled emission target for non-methane hydrocarbons: below 35 mg/m3 (70 % of limit 50 mg/m3); Hazardous waste reduction target: sludge production is reduced by 20% and paint slag production by 15%.

For energy consumption, GWM optimizes the process and equipment parameters of key energy consumption lines and equipment, and engages in improvements in utilization rate of drying gas and spraying room temperature and humidity parameters, aiming to raise energy efficiency. Among them, the utilization rate of coating and drying gas improvement has been carried out in domestic OEMs, with an annual heat emission reduction of 24% and a gas consumption reduction of 1,784 m3/h. With the water conservation measures such as degraded utilization of water resources and reuse of reclaimed water in sewage treatment, the amount of reused water resources has exceeded one million tons. At the same time, GWM vigorously progresses the use of new green energy and the application of renewable and clean energy. GWM has installed 263MW solar photovoltaic power stations and achieved a total solar power generation of 71.27 million kWh in 2021.

Planning for Carbon Neutrality Field of GWM

To support the pursuit of the national strategic goal of “3060” Carbon Peak • Carbon Neutrality and long-term development, GWM has set up a short-term sustainable development goal: to establish the first zero-carbon factory in 2023, to launch more than 50 new energy models by 2025, to continuously promote the application of renewable and clean energy, and to add more photovoltaic power stations; and long-term goals: through the adjustment of energy structure and the application of low-carbon process, based on the full life cycle of carbon emission, a recycling system of the automobile industry chain will be established. The purpose is to improve the electrification degree of factories, to reduce the input of high-carbon emission energy resources, to promote the replacement of electric energy, and to maximize economic, environmental and social benefits.

Contribute to Public Welfare and Actively Undertake Corporate Social Responsibility

GWM, with gratitude in mind, makes contributions to the society. It actively engages in public welfare activities based upon the various factors of Company’s global development strategy, industry characteristics, regional and other aspects to promote the progress of society, culture, environmental protection and economic growth in harmony.

At the beginning of 2021, there was a new round of COVID-19 outbreak in Shijiazhuang, Xingtai and other cities in Hebei Province. GWM acted quickly and donated RMB 5 million to the Red Cross Society of Hebei Province on January 10, to speed up the epidemic prevention and control in Hebei Province and to protect the front-line medical personnel and volunteers from the risks of being infected. Up to now, GWM has donated funds and vehicles worth RMB 13.85 million in China, continuously making contributions to the battle of epidemic prevention and control.

In July 2021, Henan Province encountered continuous heavy rainfall that was rarely seen, which caused serious waterlogging disasters in Zhengzhou and other areas. In this regard, GWM actively assumed the corporate social responsibility, donated RMB 20 million to Henan, of which RMB 10 million was donated to the work of Henan Charity Federation for emergency relief and post-disaster recovery; and RMB 10 million was specially used for rescue, testing and repair of damaged vehicles.

Join Hands with Public Welfare Organization FFF of Thailand to Fight against COVID-19

As the pandemic spreads, GWM has also actively taken its social responsibility overseas. In August 2021, GWM Thailand Company cooperated with a local public service organization, Food For Fighters (“FFF”), to give food, daily necessities, and epidemic prevention supplies to needy families and medical personnel in Thailand, and carried out an anti-epidemic activity of nearly one month. At the same time, GWM donated 460,000 masks to 29 institutions such as the Thailand Red Cross Society, Chulalongkorn Hospital and customs department, and spared no effort to fight the epidemic in Thailand.

Adhere to Innovation-driven Talent Development Mechanism to Achieve Common Growth

GWM sticks to the employment philosophy of “Talent plays to its strengths, and follows no set pattern ” to attract outstanding talents all over the world. Besides, it persists in talent development mechanism innovation, by providing the improvement of global talent training system and functional development channel for employees. The purpose is to create a more open, efficient and attractive development platform, and provide opportunities and platforms for everyone who has the qualified abilities, and the courage to challenge and break rules, thus realizing the common development of the Company and its employees.

In 2021, GWM continued to progress the Ten Thousand Scientific and Technological Talents Program to introduce leading talents in the world, business leaders, experts in various fields and outstanding graduates. The “Global Talents Spring Program” was carried out to enable more outstanding employees to circulate horizontally to modules such as remote working, overseas working and key businesses, thus completely unlocking the potential of employees. By the end of 2021, the total number of the Company’s staff reached 77,934, and the number of overseas staff reached 2,628.

Implement a Wide-ranging Equity Incentive Model

To effectively stimulate the vitality of employees, GWM has established an incentive system that is oriented by responsibility, results and value creation covering all employees. In 2020 and 2021, two consecutive equity incentive policies were implemented, with more than 10,000 people awarded, covering 50% of core employees. In the future, a wide-ranging equity incentive model will be rolled out, covering all valuable employees, and allowing them to change from “employees” to “partners”, so as to achieve the win-win development of the company and employees.

In the future, GWM will stick to the concept of green, healthy and sustainable development as always, fulfill its responsibilities and obligations to building a sustainable path in the world and a global low-carbon automobile industry chain, and make intelligent and green transportation a reality for users, contributing to society positively and promoting sustainable development globally.

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