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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Join A VIPP Program at The Lifeco Phuket To Protect Yourself from Corona Virus and Block Viral Infections

The emergence of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a wakeup call for everyone. This is a testament that we live in a truly toxic world! Now is the best time as any to start looking into ways on how to protect ourselves from falling prey to the effects of this global health situation.

Your immune system is your body’s natural fight mechanism that detects and destroys viruses and other disease-causing agents. So, the best way to live healthier is to boost your immune system by detoxifying your body.

Viral Infection Prevention Program at The LifeCo Phuket is developed by doctors Thomas Lodi, MD and Phillip Chia, MD in order to help those interested in keeping themselves healthy enough to prevent infections of all kinds, including viral infections. Since being healthy enough to avoid becoming infected with microorganisms requires a healthy and robust immune system, this program is beneficial for anyone looking to boost their immunity.

Cleansing at The LifeCo Phuket

The LifeCo advocates a raw vegan lifestyle and offers a holistic array of wellness programs that aim to hone in on our innate capability to heal by detoxifying the body, mind, and spirit.

Diet plans at The LifeCo is designed to cleanse you of the toxins that your body has accumulated, and let you experience the ultimate inner cleansing effect in such short time while preparing a right soil for your body before the application of i.v treatents that will boost your immune system

I.V Therapies will support your immune system

Due to the increasing environmental and food-related toxicity that is ever-present in our daily modern life, the role of vitamins and micronutrients in helping us mitigate the damages we are getting from those toxins is priceless. Vitamin-A, B, C, D and Zinc are the most essential ones that can optimize the immune-modulating capabilities of these micronutrients and included in the VIPP program at The LifeCo.

VIPP (Viral Infection Prevention Program) at The LifeCo Phuket is combination of Detox or Healthy Nutrition diet plans with powerful wellbeing therapies & I.V treatments such as; ELT, BEMER, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Biophoton, Oxygen, Colon cleans therapy and many more…

There are multiple options of The LifeCo VIPP Program depending on your needs. You can either prefer your program with or without accomodation while also may take the advantage of 5-day Package Program or Daily Discovery Package.

VIPP (Viral Infection Prevention Program) Package Prices

5 DAY PACKAGE (accomodation included)                             67.620 THB

5 DAY PACKAGE (no accomodation)                                      54.795 THB

2 DAY PACKAGE                                                                      18.500 THB

DAILY PACKAGE (discovery package)                                     10.960 THB

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