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The British Council points out Thai students prefer to continue studying in ‘United Kingdom’ Survey finds “Business Administration and Management” remains the most popular programme for Thai students in the UK

The British Council in Thailand shared the latest statistics from HESA on Thai higher education students studying in the UK. 

In the academic year 2019/20, 15,496 Thai students chose to study in English speaking countries and the UK remains number one with 46% or 7,140 students, followed by the US at 35%, and Australia 13%. The top five most popular subjects among Thai students in the UK are Business Administration and Management (39%), Engineering (12%), Sociology (7%), Law (7%), Creativity and Design (5%). It is expected that for the academic year 2022/23, the UK will remain the English-speaking country of choice for Thai students to pursue higher education degree. This year, the British Council offers 8 GREAT Scholarships and 2 GREAT Scholarships for justice and law, for students who wish to pursue a master’s degree in 9 UK universities. International students who have successfully completed a master’s degree will also be able to benefit from two years’ work experience in the UK upon graduation, through the Graduate Route.

For more information in the GREAT Scholarships, please visit https://study-uk.britishcouncil.org

Ms Helga Stellmacher, Director of British Council Thailand, pointed out that the UK remains the most popular destination for Thai higher education students. In the academic year 2019/20, there were 7,140 Thai university students in the UK, which represents 46% of the total 15,496 Thai students furthering their study in English speaking countries. The US was in second place with 5,220 students (35%) followed by Australia 2,010 (13%). Statistics show that the top five most popular subjects among Thai students in the UK are Business Administration and Management (39%), Engineering (12%), Sociology (7%), Law (7%), Creativity and Design (5%). It is expected that for the academic year 2022/23, the UK will remain the English-speaking country of choice for Thais to pursue higher education. The UK is expected to attract as many as 600,000 international students by 2030

Ms Helga added “The British Council, as the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities, is to promote opportunities for Thai students to study in the UK and build a strong network of Thai-UK alumni. In the coming academic year 2022/23, we are delighted to have 8 “GREAT Scholarships 2022-23” from 8 UK Higher Education Institutions for Thai students who wish to study for a master’s degree in a wide range of subject areas including Business, STEM, Tourism, and others and an additional 2 “GREAT Scholarships for justice and law” for students who wish to pursue a master’s degree in law and related subjects. These scholarships present significant opportunities for Thai students who wish to gain the valuable experience of furthering their education in the UK and thereby greatly enhancing their employability prospects.”

For the “GREAT Scholarships 2022-23”, 8 scholarships from 8 universities across the UK are now officially open for applications. The details of the deadlines for applying for scholarships for each university are as follows:

  1. University of Kent– accepting applications until 30 April 2022
  2. Imperial College London– accepting applications until 14 March 2022
    3. Nottingham Trent University – accepting applications until 11 May 2022
    4. Newcastle University – accepting applications until 25 May 2022
    5. Cardiff University – accepting applications until 31 May 2022
    6. University of Cumbria – accepting applications until 31 May 2022
    7. University of Hull – accepting applications until 31 May 2022
  3. University of Derby– accepting applications until 1 June 2022

Two additional “GREAT Scholarships for justice and law” from 2 universities are also officially open for applications from now.

  1. University of Dundee – accepting applications until 31 May 2022
  2. University of Kent– accepting applications until 30 April 2022

The “GREAT Scholarships 2022-23” is the result of the collaboration between the British Council, UK universities, and the UK government’s GREAT Britain Campaign to allow students from 15 countries, including Thailand, to study at a UK university. Each scholarship is worth a minimum of 440,000 baht or £10,000, in support of the tuition fees for a one-year master’s degree programme. Furthermore, international students who have successfully completed a master’s degree will be able to benefit from two years’ work experience in the UK upon graduation, through the Graduate Route.

For more information and to keep up to date with the British Council’s activities throughout the year, please visit the website: www.britishcouncil.or.th or Facebook fan page: British Council Thailand

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