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Saturday, July 27, 2024

transcosmos starts developing Japan’s first full-blown contact center app powered by blockchain

transcosmos inc. joined “Jasmy Initiative,” an initiative advocated by Jasmy Incorporated (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Kazumasa Sato), and began preparations for developing Japan’s first full-blown contact center application powered by blockchain technology and conducting verification experiments to test the application with Jasmy and other “Jasmy Initiative” member companies. Specific time of delivery, verification experiments and commercial release of the application will be announced in due course.

In December 2018, transcosmos and Jasmy began exploring the possibility of creating a joint contact center platform business that applies new blockchain technology and IoT through the realization of potential synergies between their respective knowhow, technologies and development capabilities. After forming the partnership, transcosmos joined “Jasmy Initiative,” an initiative established by Jasmy with the aim of promoting the use of Jasmy IoT platform and began preparations for developing the application and conducting verification experiments in order to make the next-gen contact center a reality. Together with other “Jasmy Initiative” member companies, transcosmos is now making efforts to develop the application and conduct verification experiments with the aim of delivering the next-gen contact center.

■ Needs and major challenges that must be addressed in the contact center business 
(1) Improve the quality of customer communication whilst reducing time and other workloads spent for customer enquiries
(2) Utilize contact center data (call logs and support histories) produced through customer communication
(3) Manage and operate ever-accumulating communication data safely and securely

■ Key features of the contact center application 
・ Customers will have control over their call logs and support histories that are typically managed and stored on contact center servers
・ Customers can retain their data safely and securely by using decentralized processing and other blockchain technologies
・ As a result, customers no longer need to explain their past contact histories and situations every time they contact a contact center
・ Contact centers (or businesses) no longer need to retain personal information more than necessary. They can confirm the data only when necessary upon customers’ consent and return the data including the updates, after serving customers
・ Contact centers can utilize customers’ de-identified data upon customers’ consent
・ Customers can receive more comprehensive services by presenting their log data not only to one company but to multiple companies as well as reduce time for explaining their past contact histories and situation repeatedly.

■ Planned verification experiment overview 
With the aim of delivering a safe and secure basic contact center environment that customers can trust, “Jasmy Initiative” member companies will research, discuss and verify the application from various perspectives prior to its full-scale service release. The discussion topics cover diverse areas that include the optimal and smooth communication scheme, personal data handling, solutions to tackle costs of communication, a way to enable both businesses and customers to mutually utilize the communication data, and more. Specific time of delivery, verification experiments and commercial release of the application will be announced in due course.

As the leading contact center outsourcing services company, transcosmos promotes the use of cutting-edge technologies at contact centers. With the aim of making the next-gen communication a reality, transcosmos continues to create success cases by combining its various operational know-how accumulated in operating contact centers. Going forward, transcosmos will continue to develop new services and in turn help clients further improve their customer experience.

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