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Saturday, July 27, 2024

From alpin pigs to jungle expeditions – green projects at the hotels

At the Green Pearls® partner hotels around the world guests are not only invited to unwind and forget everyday life, but also experience the country and its inhabitants at first hand. They offer a lot of exciting social and ecological projects where it is sometimes even possible to participate.

Wild Mahseer: Community-based tourism for authentic experiences

Along the banks of the mighty Brahmaputra river in the lush countryside of the Eastern Himalayas, the bungalows of Wild Mahseer are situated amidst the Eastern Himalayan Botanic Ark. The hotel provides a very unique concept: Guests can enjoy an authentic experience with a mix of natural activities such as jungle bathing or visiting tea plantations and community-based tourism. They can either stay at one of the independent bungalows or in the houses of the locals experience their sustainable way of living. This gives guests the opportunity to get to know the myriad local cultures and exchange knowledge with the communities. Guests can also decide for a mix between staying at a bungalow and with local people. It is a win- win situation for both, the homestays provide an of income for the local communities., while guests can stroll through the small villages, enjoy home-made dishes or explore Assam’s first certified green village.

Schloss Wartegg: Sheep instead of lawn mowing

In order to meet the high demand for meat, milk, eggs, leather and wool, productivity and optimization play an increasingly important role in breeding. Unfortunately, this means that many old breeds in danger of extinction. However, it is remarkable when old and rare breeds are preserved – like the “Bündner Oberländer Schaf” at Schloss Wartegg, which resemble the prehistoric sheep, the primeval sheep. In the park of Schloss Wartegg they have enough space enjoying the lush meadows – which makes lawn mowing almost superfluous. Particular characteristics are the mixed wool suitable for felting and the snail horns of the ram.

SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA: Bio-kids for a green future

At the SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA in Bad Herrenalb not only adult guests can stay climate-neutrally, also younger guests are sensitized for the topic of sustainability. Starting this school year, the “SCHWAPA BIOKIDS”, children from the 3rd and 4th grade, will meet monthly to develop an understanding of sustainability and organic food. They will have the opportunity to cook in the hotel kitchen and go fishing. Furthermore, apples are harvested and juiced, the raised garden beds are planted and herbs are harvested. Everything is of course child-friendly, with plenty of time for games and painting.

Hotel Rehlegg: Homecoming pigs

For more than 100 years, the Black Alpine pig had disappeared in Bavaria. But thanks to the Family Lichtmannegger from Berghotel Rehlegg, for several years they are back. In 2016, the hotel got six alpine piglets from the Italian organization “Pro Patrimonio Montano,” which protects native alpine animals. The resilient animals love the alpine region and can live outdoors all year round. Their dark skin pigmentation and black fur protects them against the alpine weather, no matter if it is sunny or cold. The Lichtmanegger Family declines conventional fattening because they care for the animals’ wellbeing. At the Berghotel Rehlegg only meat from species-appropriate farming is served.

i Pini: Organic and vegan Food Forest

The italian i Pini is not only a unique place to relax, there is also a lot to discover -– such as the permaculture Food Forest. Guests will find fruits, vegetables and plenty of herbs growing on lively soil. The hotel cultivates its own plants using organic seeds from ancient, forgotten varieties. The Agrivilla Food Forest is a retreat which invites to tinker, explore and experiment. Through the cultivation of forgotten fruit and vegetables their distinction should be avoided. They grow on fossil clay soil, ground covering, compost and crop rotation preserve and increase the fertility. The colorful garden is full of mixed crops and insects inviting guests to stroll and relax.

Inkaterra: Authentic experiences in the Rainforest

The non-profit Inkaterra Asociación stands for ecological research and likes to share its knowledge with travelers. Guests at the Inkaterra Reserva Amazónica can experience the Peruvian rainforest authentically and intensively. The Inkaterra Asociación strives to conserve and protect nature by a sustainable use of natural resources. Based on field research and biodiversity monitoring strategies to protect and restore ecosystems are developed. The Inkaterra Guides Field Station is a knowledgeable experience for scientists, students, volunteers and eco-conscious travelers. Within Peru’s first concession for tourism purposes (10,000 Ha of Amazonian rainforest), Inkaterra Asociación manages interactive excursions such as a Palmetum with the most diverse sample of native palms; a bio-orchard nurtured with ancestral agroforestry techniques; a bird banding station; and a motion-sensitive camera trap system to study wildlife in hotel grounds, such as ocelots, giant armadillos, tapirs, peccaries and tamanduas.

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