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Tourism promotion programs gain ground as vaccination paints a brighter outlook

The tourism industry is witnessing bright spots amid the rollout of vaccination programs and rekindling travel interests. Tourism campaigns are steered towards healthily boosting the hospitality sector and are expected to positively impact employment opportunities, business activities, and the overall economic scenario.

The world seems ready to savour the reignited liberty after coming a long way from the blind valley when COVID-19 induced uncertainty and obscured prospects. While the global health scenario was on the skids amid the pandemic’s doom and gloom, the restriction measures indeed saved the day.

However, the success was achieved at the cost of the economy, with industries like travel and tourism being hard-hit by the state and international border closures. The economic reboot must need further revving up the travel scenario, already exhibiting encouraging signs with the ongoing vaccination programs and rising tourism activity.

Given the ailing situation, the Governments and companies rose to the occasion and have rolled out several promotional campaigns to entice more globe trotters and encourage safe tourism. Such a move would potentially have a domino effect on the employment opportunities, business activities and overall economic scenario.

Let us look at a few tourism campaigns that have become the heart of travel restoration plans. 

Source: Copyright © 2021 Kalkine Media Pty Ltd.

AUSTRALIA: “Holiday Here This Year” campaign

Australian Federal Government has launched an AUD 6 million tourism advertising campaign geared towards encouraging Australian to go on a vacation to a major Australian city, promoted as ‘City Escapes’. The campaign featuring Hamish Blake and Zoe Foster-Blake draws the viewer’s attention to a plethora of activities one can undertake at various Australian destinations that hold diverse attractions.

Notably, Australia’s international restrictions in the wake of the pandemic have left the recovery prospects for intersectional travel out of scope, for the time being, leaving the industry to rely on domestic tourism heavily. The travel campaign woven around a patriotic spirit urges Australian travellers to boost the domestic tourism scenario.

Meanwhile, Federal Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan also indicated that every dollar spent on local Australian holiday would help bolster job and business prospects of the troubled industry.

NEW ZEALAND: “Travelling Under the Social Influence”

Travel in 2021 is expected to be different. Fabricated in the same spirit of uniqueness, the tourism campaign from New Zealand encourages innovativeness rather than imitating the customary activities at well-known sites. The campaign features comedian Tom Sainsbury dressed as a member of ‘Social Observation Squad (SOS)’ patrolling some of the key NZ destinations to prevent tourists from taking those very predictable pictures, already a part of thousands of social media blogs.

The impact of social media on our lives is unquestionable. When it comes to travelling, social media holds strong dominance on the choice of place, transport, lodging and even the moment we relish. The campaign humorously calls outs to people to take different travel pathways without the intoxicating social media effect.

The campaign is garnered towards improving the current travel scenario and ensuring travel sustainability by encouraging travel in also not-so-famous spots.

Source: Copyright © 2021 Kalkine Media Pty Ltd.

 UNITED KINGDOM: “Save Our Summer Campaign”

The UK travel sector has come together in response to the Government’s advice on reopening the hospitality sector. The campaign indicates that it is safe to book for the holidays and has urged the UK Government to allow domestic and international holidays from 1 May 2021.

The campaign guarantees that travellers can either avail refund or change travel dates in the event of travel cancellation due to COVID-19 restrictions. The date to restart travel would instil certainty in the travel scenario and increase revenues for the country’s troubled sector.

THAILAND: “Open Thailand Safety Campaign”

Thailand’s economy is strongly reliant on tourism which was heavily impacted since the pandemic restrictions were imposed last year. However, the vaccinations programs underway in many countries have been a strong encouragement to the hospitality players.

The campaign was recently launched in March 2021 by major travel companies. It favours the petition that requests the Royal Thai Government to respond favourably to the inoculation efforts underway across the globe. The campaign lays out several arguments favouring that 1 July 2021 is the right time to open travel restrictions.

Travel campaigns have become modus-operandi to not only excite traveller’s interest but accelerate travel resumption steered in the right direction. While the travel scenario’s recovery is expected to remain a gradual process, the campaign can offer a significant boost to the ailing industry. Nevertheless, only time would tell how developments in the tourism industry pan out in the future. 

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